Magnolia bakery’s cupcakes

Time for October’s challenge for the Dulce Romanie project. This time My fancy cake came up with the idea of baking cupcakes.

I loved this idea, especially since lately I watched one of the Sex and the City episode where Carrie and Miranda were devouring some cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery.

After doing a bit of research on the internet I found the recipe for Magnolia Bakery vanilla cupcakes.

Oh yeah…I knew that was the winner, in combination with chocolate buttercream frosting.

The recipe is pretty simple and the results is simply amazing.

magnolia bakery vanilla cupcakes

makes 12 cupcakes


171 grams flour

119 grams butter

225 grams sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cups milk

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract

Start by lining 12 muffin tins with cupcake papers. Pre-heat the over to 175 C.

In a mixing bowl cream the butter until it reaches a smooth consistency, then add the sugar gradually and beat until fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time. Add the dry ingredients gradually, alternating with the milk and vanilla, mixing well after each addition. Make sure you don’t overbeat the batter. Carefully spoon the batter into the cupcake papers. Do not fill the liners otherwise the cupcakes will raise over the top of the papers – just fill them 3/4 to achieve an even top that can hold nicely the buttercream frosting.

Bake them at 175C for about 20-25 minutes or until they are cooked.

Chocolate buttercream frosting

2 egg whites

100 grams sugar

125 grams softened butter

100 grams chocolate

2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Start by beating the egg whites with the sugar over bain marie. Whisk them until reaching 65 degrees C or until the sugar melted and the mixture is warm.

Remove from the heat and whip until fluffy and cool. Slowly add the softened butter. Meanwhile melt the chocolate over bain marie and allow it to cool to room temperature. Add the cooled chocolate and the vanilla extract to the butter mixture. Mix well, making sure the chocolate is well incorporated.

Pipe the buttercream over the cupcakes.

10 thoughts on “Magnolia bakery’s cupcakes

  1. Pingback: Cupcake Mania – Pistachio cupcakes a la Martha Stewart « La Bonne Bouche

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